Listening to the Spoken BNC2014

Various search results with respective search terms

  1. Phrasal verbs: Simple query (ignore case): _VV0 _RP
  2. equivalent CQP syntax: [pos="VV0"] [pos="RP"]
  3. phrasal verbs spoken BNC2014 no. 21 is interesting : ) #eltchat
    phrasal verbs spoken BNC2014 no. 21 is interesting : ) #eltchat
  4. Singular proper nouns: CQP syntax: [pos="NP1"]
  5. singular proper nouns God & Facebook neck & neck : ) spoken bnc2014 corpus
    singular proper nouns God & Facebook neck & neck : ) spoken bnc2014 corpus
  6. And/or binomials: CQP syntax: [class="ADJ|SUBST|ADV"] "and|or"%c [class="ADJ|SUBST|ADV"] within u
  7. here we use class as it is quicker to capture all forms than if we used pos; note within u means find examples in an utterance
  8. Repeated binomials: CQP syntax: a:[class="SUBST|ADJ|ADV"] "and|or"%c b:[class="SUBST|ADJ|ADV"] :: a.word = b.word within u
  9. here we see use of labels a and b to find repeated forms
  10. repeated binomials including adjectives and adverbs
    repeated binomials including adjectives and adverbs
  11. adjectives within 2 words of a word starting with lang: CQP syntax: MU (meet [pos="JJ"] [word="lang.*"] -2 2)
  12. adjectives within 2 words of language(s) in BNC2014 spoken corpus #EuropeanDayofLanguages
    adjectives within 2 words of language(s) in BNC2014 spoken corpus #EuropeanDayofLanguages
  13. semantic tag Government, Politics and Elections: CQP syntax: [semtag="G1.*"]
  14. note * is wildcard meaning here G1, G1.1, G1.2
  15. frequency breakdown of semantic tag Government, Politics and Elections in BNC2014 spoken corpus
    frequency breakdown of semantic tag Government, Politics and Elections in BNC2014 spoken corpus